Thursday, December 21, 2006

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Propolis against Varroa-

American foulbrood and Nosema

The use of propolis in hive, such as medicine, referred to herein, is the result of work and observation of a group Beekeepers General Alvear, Mendoza, several thousands of colonies from 1993 to date. A retrospective of work have emerged and field continue to do so, scientific research confirm what has been done. It is hoped that since the universities are working objectively to carry this category of scientific, not to discredit the experience to handle the sake of other purposes, such as, even in this 2006 -


.- While beekeepers General Alvear worked with raw propolis, is to remember that they had laboratory determinations and knew in advance the purity of the raw propolis. So, to successfully repeat this experience, you should always know the concentration of propolis and this comes from the extract soft or less practical, with laboratory tests .-

The task: Place the raw propolis in a bowl and add ethyl alcohol 96 °, always more alcohol than propolis, no matter much the quantities and / or proportions. Be used to make alcohols are, of liquor or pastries. Remember that most of the spirits of pharmacy, as they say their tags, are "FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY." This container with propolis and alcohol, which you can add 5% of distilled water, will be in a dark place and seek to move, shake and shake daily for at least two weeks. After this time the paper filters coffee filter. The resulting hydroalcoholic solution, which is of unknown concentration may be in the refrigerator so that it separates and is removed the excess wax dissolved in alcohol. The residue left in the filter has propolis and may do a second extraction .-

The solution obtained should go to the next step, the evaporation of alcohol. Be done with a stream of warm air just do not get to heat and destroy the product. This task is slow and may take several days depending on volume evaporate. When the level does not fall below, we think that there is no evaporation or alcohol to evaporate. Will this dye a honey-like consistency. If you tilt the bowl, not dumped, it slides slowly. This is the Soft Extract of propolis, from which we make all other preparations

.- The preparation of the therapeutic solution, one can speak of two recipes that are really one, since its minimum dose to Max. Soft Extract reassembled this solution in alcohol, 8.5% to 17%. For example, we use one liter Soft Extract 85 cc in 915 cc of alcohol, in the first case and 170 cc. Soft Extract in 830 cc of alcohol, for the latter. We will have the alcoholic solution, unlike the initial, known concentration.

This alcoholic solution is mixed with some kind of syrup. The syrup used is just a vehicle must be a sweet liquid, sugar, HFCS or better groups, but not too good concentration. Also as in the previous case a minimum and a maximum: the minimum 2% solution in 98% syrup. Maximum, 10% solution in 90% syrup. Example, for a liter on minimum of 20 cc of solution in 980 cc of syrup. For maximum, 100 cc of solution in 900 cc of syrup .-

The application is by spraying or sprinkling frames (no heads) and nurses. This ensures that when taken to clean, they distribute the rest of the hive. It should not be applied to feed, because it is too little and the bees do not like. Will be given 50 cc per hive once a week for three consecutive weeks in case of outbreak of any disease. According to whether or prevent and cure according to the intensity of the outbreak, use more or less concentration and heal one, three or more times. Is a criterion according to the state of hives or circumstances. It can be used in times of honey, nectar and pollen input or harvest, it does not pollute .-

in recommended doses have not been reported to alter the hive situations. no incentive position and a "lifted" general. It should be note that below the minimum dose and effects are not above the maximum can "reduce" or remove the position .-

counting varroa should do so from the second week, where not only The effect will be direct contact, but it emerges from propolis in the hemolymph of bees and brood, plus the defenses raised in the colony.

Dr. Julio C. October 2006


President of the Argentina Association of Apitherapy

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What Should I Clean My Nose Herpes With

Health Networks Hartmann

November 24 Apiluises our partner gives us a forum post, inviting us to visit address: / farm / beekeeping
Among interesting items caught my attention dedicated to networking the telluric and beekeeping.

Among the many energies that act upon the earth, Hartmann Network crossings sometimes associated with veins of water, creating places where they are, apparently, the energetic conditions that seeks to place the bee swarm.
These crossings negative effects most plants and animals including humans, but not so few that even looking. This is the case of the bee, ant, cat, bat, mistletoe ...
According to the study, a beehive located on a Hartmann crossing produces more honey and better resist disease.

Part One:

Part Two: Third


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Oakley Lacrosse Visors

naturalEl myth


There is a famous painting untitled in which two men were seen climbing up ropes
by a hole on top of a rock.

The first
that already has at its disposal the hole, has introduced a hand in
while holding a basket with the other. The whole scene makes sense
by the presence of tiny beings that hover around: honeybees.
painting is known as "honey thieves." Was carried out about 12,000 years ago in the cave
in Bicorp, a village near Valencia and is the ancient
representation was possibly one of the first foods of man. The
honey has been hailed as a magic food in some primitive legends
to praise in the Bible and the Koran. The doctor prescribed and
Hippocrates recommended honey for its wide range of potential curative and preventive
, as they have done many doctors who came later and still continues today
doing quite a few alternative therapists.
natural food and sweet as few, honey has a symbolism that refers to the memory of all peoples to
something beneficial and healthy, according to anthropologists. Not surprisingly, the
honey has been the only sweetener available to popularizing
sugar cane (the "molasses"). With this background, it would be weird
honey has not been mythologized.
However, at this point, with nutrition and converted into a fully fledged science
decades, it remains surprising
to continue by giving the groups a wealth of medicinal properties the only guarantee of being
ancient food, pure and natural. Of honey have been entire books written
talking about its beneficial effects on health and
said that increase stamina and sexual power, which helps sleep and
to digest, which stimulates the liver and blood circulation that
prevents colds and other illnesses. Anyway, it has said almost everything and
all good, which continues to be suspicious, very pure, natural and special
is a food. But why honey is special? "There it is," says Arnold
Bender, one of the world's foremost authorities on nutrition.
"The honey is just sugar, glucose and fructose-and fifth
part water. There are also small amounts of other nutrients, but
too small to have any impact on the diet. " Now
that honey has been displaced by the sugar as a sweetener
there who wants to sell as a dietary or medicinal food. But honey
practically only difference common sugar that is less energy
(having a 20% water, honey provides 20% fewer calories, 3.2 gram per
instead of 4) and there are a thousand and one varieties of color and aroma, as the flowers whose nectar
have served as raw material. And this is not enough,
is all that is special. In any case, honey is going to sweeten the character or
going to make us as busy as bees.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

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Portal Bee Honey Chile

invite you to visit one of the great values \u200b\u200bof the national bee, besides being a woman of great intelligence and sympathy.

1. THE Beekeeper

1.1. You already spent several years in Beekeeping, how were your beginnings in the activity? Restlessness and

chance. In 1975 INACAP offers the first year of beekeeping in the country, issued by a Chilean who had a career in Mendoza. I took it and so I went and found the topic very exciting as I went deeper.

1.2. "Today it is developing projects? Mainly

improve the quality of queens without importing from abroad, through genetic selection practice. What I seek is hygiene, gentleness, productivity and resilience.


2.1. In 1985, you were in the city of Bearverlodge, Canada., Learning about beekeeping. What more rescues of their stay there?

1985 beekeeping season in the northern hemisphere, were practicing in the Bee Research Institute of the Province of Alberta, where for 5 years Tibor Szabo researcher developed a kind of bees more resistant to conditions in the country. The intention was to reproduce these bees in Chile to supply Canada, as conditions in our country are better and the season more extensive for this object. At that time, Chile was an oasis of health, Canada had Africanized honey bees, the varroa mites, and had to import bees and queens every spring.

The experience was unforgettable: the queens produced, the suit and replicated in San Pedro de Atacama, after the quarantine is distributed in the country in various forms established by ProChile, manager of the initiative. Our country has benefited most: improved breeds in general, in a moment of departure of the modern commercial beekeeping. In those years of beekeeping as an economic activity was in the larval stage, with few notable exceptions. Unfortunately we can not export target the world, taking advantage of the excellent and unique health conditions we had.

2.2. In 1986 at the invitation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, visited our country Mr. Tibor Szabo, an important and recognized Canadian beekeeper and researcher at the University of Alberta and Guelph in the country. How was the experience of being this person?

Rather than receiving was learning opportunities facing the country. Tibor is a simple, communicative, creator of the Canadian bee. " He shared his knowledge with pleasure, his point was that Chile fabricate Queens for Canada.

2.3. What aspects have yet to observe and assess the visit of Mr. Szabo?

National Beekeepers were not organized and their visit was very well used but a privileged few. Beekeeping as an economic activity not engaged in business quickly and efficiently

2.4. What results were obtained after the visit of this research? Apparently

pioneered what we are trying to have today. In addition, an improved general genetic bees in the country with the queen breeders who participated very actively in the reproduction of these, one of the pillars of beekeeping modern.


3.1. What made you think that events like the Third Symposium Beekeeping Chile?

is very necessary to improve our work. International researchers are invited to guide us in the health problems that they have a long time ago and now we experience.

3.2. Have you been able to analyze in detail the themes and contents that are considered in this event, What is your opinion of them?

We even artisanal level, with little awareness of bees as a lucrative activity. We have no strength. We little research and no permanent health guide. They are honorable and positive theses that have developed the Southern universities, and Bío-Bío Concepción.

This past three years have seen a national level that is giving small beekeeper some fruit and hope to grow even more. I wish there was a minimal adjustment, inclusive, on handling and installation of beehives.

Friday, November 10, 2006

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interview is easy

In the email I received directions to open up a free account. And the editor ... with a little practice is controlled.