Friday, February 25, 2011

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personal growth and spiritual growth: CHANGE YOUR THINKING, IS POSITIVE. Chi kung

personal growth and spiritual growth: CHANGE YOUR THINKING, IS POSITIVE. : "Norman Vincent Peale • CD 1: THE PRINCIPLES OF THE LIFE OF SUCCESS • Introduction • The power of positive thinking • ENTHUSIASM AND OPT ..."

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refers to a variety of techniques usually associated with traditional Chinese medicine, which include the mind, breath and exercise. The chi kung practice is usually oriented objectives to the maintenance of health, but also in some cases, especially in China can prescribe specific therapeutic purposes. According to Buddhist and Taoist traditions, from which a large part, is a method to attain enlightenment or Buddhahood.

Members of the International Taoist Community, have several monasteries in the world the most legendary these days is called TEMPLE PLANT SAKROAKUARIUS, where the practice of all this teaching is being implemented by thousands of people who are based in this wonderful place, if you can not go to visit the Master Shi De Yang in the lofty peaks of the mountains in Asia, to teach him the art of chi kung, can approach the various sources of Taoist wisdom open c so all major cities worldwide, including the congregation of the Taoist community international may know some of the monks who were about two illuminated, who founded the Taoist monasteries in South America in the last three decades.

One technique delivered by these scholars, is a synthesis of forms of chi kung, but adapted for Westerners and non practitioners of kung fu, this is something they call resivisierto a day and consists of a series rune asanas and movements, that allow for proper channeling of energy Through the meridians, or arcs, the human body.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pregnant With A Pectus Excavatum


Hello dear reader, I have many friends who belong to the Taoist philosophy, and I have shared this wonderful link so we know which is the Tao.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It Ceo Speech Example

On Cupid and The Things We Should Love

For Sheilly Nuñez

On Monday cupid for the sake of friendship, love and practice their best shots. I always wondered why relationships are so complicated and considering the source of our successes in charge of love, no less could be expected, here the profile of Cupid: Cupid
is the name given to whom the Greeks called Eros, the son of Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty (that's worth saying was born from the sea foam near Paphos (Cyprus) caused when shooting the genitals of Uranus ocean, God of stellar vault, Cronus, the god of harvest and the son of Uranus cut him a adamantine sickle to dethrone) Interesting family without doubt!, cupid's father was Ares, the god of war, this explains why they call Eros (Cupid), the god of chaos straight out.

Cupid is portrayed as a child because he never grew up, because love can not grow without passion, which generated great concern to his mother and that súmenle also worship a princess named Psyche (so perfect and Virgin nobody dared to marry her) grew to the point where Aphrodite felt threatened and sent his son to kill her! But seeing her Eros fell deeply in love with Psyche (from where they think is the word psychology.) And look how much fun this: Psyche Eros espousing ended, but the promise of never seeing his face. They lived happily for a long time until he broke his promise Psyche prompted by her sisters made her believe that her husband was a monster and only looking at his face I know if it was true.

By Eros feel betrayed by Psyche decides ordered to be absent, and the exiles. This is where the journey of the psyche begins to conquer the love of Eros, who came to the point that the gods became one of them. From the union of love (Cupid) and Soul (psyche) birth of her 3 daughters known as The Three Graces, Grace Voluptas of Sensuality, Castitas grace of chastity and grace Pulchrito of neatness. The latter grace a balance between the first two. Insurance

arrows that let us be this character? I see you if I go about fleeing in a hurry.

certainly think that romantic love is a fundamental part of life, is necessary and advisable. But we must not forget that there are many other things that we should pursue and love with the same intensity, to ourselves (there are many people out there begging to be loved by others when they can not even love themselves), spirituality (as out which were to conceive, the fact that something beyond our understanding encourages us and the world, think about it from time to time), our family (though not as colorful as Cupid is the basis of our personal history), our work (we pay the rent! should be passionate about it and have to make us happy), our planet (that being our host live) ... and you go on the list .

Have a great day, amid showers of arrows, cards, kisses, flowers, friends and hugs.

How Many Cals In A Curry

THE VIDEO avejan

In this link you can find more information

SILENSIO THE BIRD OF JAH from taotv on Vimeo .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why Do My Pubes Stick Through My Underwear

Venetian Mask Bag - Magazine with pieces of cloth (Step by Step)

with pieces of different upholstery fabrics can be made up in this beautiful bag - magazine. I leave all the explanations so you can produce it yourself with ease. If you have any questions please contact me leaving me your e-mail.
As you can see the last image, takes a few wires inside the handles so it will not bend if you use it as a magazine or to save anything else. Clicking on the picture that interests you pudes see better.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can You Get Moles On Your Lip

What is herbal medicine?


What is herbal medicine?

naturopathic medicine is a medical matter, the Hippocratic tradition, which is based on three fundamental principles:

  • Harnessing natural tendency of the organism to find the equilibrium ( "medicatrix Vis Naturae" or healing power of human nature).
  • Promoting health through hygiene (a way of life to maintain and build internal health): healthy nutrition (with plenty of fruits, vegetables, cereals and vegetables), exercise, healthy habits, relaxation and other measures help promote health and prevent and promote healing of disease.
  • Using natural remedies low intensity therapy, acting on the body and soft stimuli devoid of side effects: food (diet therapy), medicinal plants (herbal) relaxation (relaxation therapy, psychotherapy), air (aerotherapy), water (hydrotherapy, balneotherapy), sun (heliotherapy), land (geoterapia), climate (climoterapia), etc.

herbal medicine along with other therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture, homotoxicology, etc. have come to constitute what we call collectively as complementary or integrative medicine therapies.