Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Predict The Molecular Structure For H2se

Without bees endangered species protection! High

Source: Heirs Gárgoris. Http://gargoris.blogspot.com/ Just do

clear that despite Einstein's famous phrase ..., despite calls from Brussels to declare the bee world heritage site, what aparantemente "concerned" that are our governments for the protection of the environment and the millions of euros earmarked for this purpose, the bee is a threatened species, at least not on any list, or is treated as such. A simple search on Google tell us otherwise. Interestingly

in red list of threatened species of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) provides only vertebrate animals and plants forgetting the base of the pyramid, we found 26 species of bee-eater (English Bee-Eater "that feeds on bees.") These beautiful birds settle in the vicinity of apiaries extraordinarily decimating its population and forcing the bees to retreat into the interior of the beehive it impossible to work. In English apiaries your number is from years ago and increased worrying beekeepers suffer its devastating without receiving any assistance or subsidy, and without being able to defend against a threatened species.

all know that the bee is an essential link for recovery of other plant and animal species to extinction, but surprisingly is not protected, nor the beekeeper in whose hands seem to be maintenance and preservation, as the savage swarming prácticamante not exist.


- The bee should be included among the protected species with priority and urgency.

- Beekeeping should be redirected putting the value of the work of the bee products from the hive.

- The beekeeping community in its entirety should be giving priority to de-industrialize organic.

-combines the knowledge of beekeepers and researchers from around the world.

- Instruct beekeepers and cover their losses in the process of transformation of the sector.

- Dealing seriously debate the use of pesticides and pesticide and medication apiary.

The problem is very complex, not as protecting the Iberian lynx. Maybe that's why the bee enters the lists of protected species, because evidence bases its protection of the environmental problem and runs against the entire current system.

But it is the duty of beekeepers and humanity in general require the protection of bees as endangered and soon. Before at least that man is included in the lists of endangered species.

Related Entries: Pride

Bee Bee II Pride
We Killing the Bees
"PINYOL" - Comunidad Valenciana - Spain. Depopulation

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Backsplash Halfway Around Outlets

The spider traveling in the rain

Class: Arachnida
Araneae Family: Theridiidae
Gender: Steatoda
Species: nobilis Steatoda

The merit the title This entry, no more or less takes this arachnid.
In the Iberian Peninsula is an alien species as native to the Canary Islands. And most curious of this spider is its great capacity for acclimatization, as it has colonized various parts of Europe, among which include Spain, Portugal, Germany, Britain and several other countries with a climate very different from the Canary Islands.
The reason for their long journeys due to the export of bananas from the Canary Islands, which came to these wealthy countries between bananas waiting for your new destination.

Their bite is quite painful, but not as much as his raw tredecimguttatus latrodectus . In fact in Britain is considered the most poisonous spider in the country.
But reading this do not be alarmed, as there are very few cases of S. sting nobilis, because this species is very shy and not aggressive, with which the slightest movement or vibration is abnormal about your fabric runs for cover.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weird Feeling In Upper Abdomen

Class: Insecta
Coleoptera Family: Tenebrionidae
Gender: Heliotaurus
Species: Heliotaurus ruficollis

On a cold and rainy spring morning, all the little animals waiting to come out in the sun to enjoy the day, but the most reckless, as this beetle that despite the inclement weather did not want to lose your breakfast.
It took courage and decided to go looking for this for daisy feed.

This beetle is commonly found on all types of flowers in spring, therefore it is photographed and more when you are on the colorful flowers and the flower and insect composition give a special touch to the picture.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bike Bmx Monster Energy

Vanessa Cardui

Class: Insecta
Lepidoptera Family: Nymphalidae
Gender: Vanessa
Species: Vanessa cardui

The vanesa from thistles, as commonly is called is one of the widest geographic distribution of butterflies and one of the most common nymphalid we can find.
Their larvae as they feed on thistles imagine

are a migratory species, and every year we see over long distances to the North.
In particular, this spring has commented that many have seen these butterflies flying in our cities. There were millions, something unusual for some reason unknown to me has occurred.

Specifically this butterfly, which I found dying on the table half of my deck, had not achieved its goal and was halfway like many of them would.
have to save many obstacles along its path from its predator common to even the cars they hit them as they fly and fail to avoid them.

Minutes before his death, the butterfly gave me their beautiful colors of spreading its wings back.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ap Bio Essay Questions And Answers

Red Bee Autographa gamma

Class: Insecta
Hymenoptera Suborder: Apocrita
Apoidea Familia: Megachilidae
Gender: Rhodanthidium
Species: Rhodanthidium sticticum

Today opens a new blog entry this feature red bee. Is photographed in natural surroundings around Ardales, Málaga. Although it was the first time I saw the Hymenoptera, I must say that dozens had to hover and pollinating flowers.
This family of bees has some white hairs under the abdomen and chest are called scopae whose function is to collect pollen. These bees are the most efficient in the world at the time of pollination, and ironically this is due to frequent visits by inefficient plants collect pollen. The nests R. sticticum are very simple. Usually lay an egg and this is due to nest in empty snail shells, whose space is substantially reduced. The interior is provisioned with a kind of paste of pollen and nectar. Then they covered it with stones, fragments of snail shells and other particles held together by a resin, making the set a smooth waxy exterior.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Removal Of Cervical Polyp Hurt


Class: Insecta
Lepidoptera Superfamily: Noctuoidea
Family: Noctuidae
Subfamily: Plusiinae
Gender: Autographa
Species: Autographa gamma

Moths by definition, are those that fly at night. But there is much confusion between how you distinguish the diurnal moths. We often hear that the diurnal butterflies and moths at night. This probably comes from the English terms "butterflies" and "moths" respectively. Actually the fact of flying day or night is not a characteristic taxonomic groupings.

I guess what I'll be waiting for is to read the difference of butterflies "Rhopalocera" and nightly "Heterocera" and it go.
Taxonomically, the day was distinguished by the presence of a mass distal antennal thicker than the rest of the antenna and not by the time you are active as many think.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Religious Birthday Greetings Message

Spider! Egyptian Locust


Arachnida Order: Araneae
Family: Prodidomidae

This photo was found in the files of my pc recently and who I would say that would be helpful in identifying the unidentified spider
, entry that hung at the end of month July. This photo was taken about 3 years ago (hence the poor quality of the camera I was then) in the same place as the mystery was not known spider species could belong to. Thanks to Laura Hill of IV and this photo, we could find out for sure and know that it is prodidomidae family.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Sould I Call My Beauty Slon

Class: Insecta
Orthoptera Suborder: Caelifera
Acridoidea Familia: Acrididae
Subfamily: Cyrtacanthacridinae
Gender: Anacridium
Species: Anacridium aegyptium

lobster is called each of the Members of large groups of grasshoppers.
The photo is an adult male. These are distinguished from females by the longitudinal line that runs through the head and thorax is orange, while the female is yellowish. Egyptian

Lobster has a color that blends with the environment. In particular this lobster at first I did not see. I was photographing a wasp in a pot and saw something in the industry falter next door. The lobster innocent thought he had seen and tried to flee, his error and you betrayed because I focused on photographing. When approached in order to portray, she spread her wings and flew off a jump and fell on a wall where it already calmed down and I could get some photos.

Egyptian Locusts, unlike their cousins \u200b\u200bare very good fliers. Other grasshoppers and locusts do not usually have enough wings developed to maintain a steady flight. Only when they form large groups of the same species, they release pheromones to enable appropriate development in the migratory behavior and growth over the wings and so can spread to other territories in search of food.

Locusts are causing damage to Africa since time immemorial and have become in recent times because of the intensification of their attacks, the news continued in several countries of this continent.
The first plague of these Orthoptera goes back over two thousand years ago, according to the Bible and is mentioned as being the eighth plague that devastated Egypt and ended the last source of food that was at that time.
Spain has also undergone several locust S. early XX. The most serious devastated 250,000 hectares of joint, in Los Monegros, between 1922 and 1923.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Kaleidoscope In Vision



Arachnida Order: Araneae
Family: Scytodidae
Gender: Scytodes
Species: Scytodes cf.

What is an ootheca? An ootheca is a repository of eggs that are different arthropods. Comes from Greek oon "egg" and Theke "deposit" These eggs are surrounded by a protein foam that hardens when exposed to air, in the form of protection.
Some insects like grasshoppers, buried in the earth their egg sacs, others such as the praying mantis stick to rocks or branches of plants. In contrast, other insects such as cockroaches or spiders like the spider photo, carry the egg sac until the birth of their offspring.

The spider we see in the picture as we know, it is the same Scytodes thoracica I put several entries further back when her ootheca formed sometime after the first picture I did.

Can Chemotherapy Shrink A Tumor Completely
