Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Sould I Call My Beauty Slon

Class: Insecta
Orthoptera Suborder: Caelifera
Acridoidea Familia: Acrididae
Subfamily: Cyrtacanthacridinae
Gender: Anacridium
Species: Anacridium aegyptium

lobster is called each of the Members of large groups of grasshoppers.
The photo is an adult male. These are distinguished from females by the longitudinal line that runs through the head and thorax is orange, while the female is yellowish. Egyptian

Lobster has a color that blends with the environment. In particular this lobster at first I did not see. I was photographing a wasp in a pot and saw something in the industry falter next door. The lobster innocent thought he had seen and tried to flee, his error and you betrayed because I focused on photographing. When approached in order to portray, she spread her wings and flew off a jump and fell on a wall where it already calmed down and I could get some photos.

Egyptian Locusts, unlike their cousins \u200b\u200bare very good fliers. Other grasshoppers and locusts do not usually have enough wings developed to maintain a steady flight. Only when they form large groups of the same species, they release pheromones to enable appropriate development in the migratory behavior and growth over the wings and so can spread to other territories in search of food.

Locusts are causing damage to Africa since time immemorial and have become in recent times because of the intensification of their attacks, the news continued in several countries of this continent.
The first plague of these Orthoptera goes back over two thousand years ago, according to the Bible and is mentioned as being the eighth plague that devastated Egypt and ended the last source of food that was at that time.
Spain has also undergone several locust S. early XX. The most serious devastated 250,000 hectares of joint, in Los Monegros, between 1922 and 1923.


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