had a dream last night. I dreamed I was walking alone on the shore of a lake, looking for many things and at the same time looking for anything. And as I walked, I cried. Desperate because there was crying what I wanted and the worst thing was that I knew what I was looking for.

In my time of trouble, someone came to my ear and said, close your eyes, breathe deeply, because only you can get the way to go. The island is closer than you think, the problem is that they want to find the boat that takes you to the destination, the reason why you're here.
opened my eyes and then left me speechless, realizing that the lake is my heart and that piece of land that is happiness .... A happiness that I hide, a happiness that is so close and I do not go.
found the boat, but I will not put out why I have fear, do not know if the water at the crossing or what located on the island ... While I decide, I will continue walking to the lake.