Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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The incomprehensible story of the Tin Soldier and the Bee (Part 1 .)

Once upon a time in a forest far, far away, met a long, long time, a Soldier Tin and a Bee. In those days, when there was pure and disinterested friendship, the Bee used to be one of the faithful companions of the way of the brave soldier. He knew their strengths, their weaknesses, their tastes, their pleasures and of course, the women of the time, who shared his life. In one of those roads the brave soldier fell in love with one of the companions of the bee hive. There were many breaks and chance encounters that they hid the bee's eternal love. But as expected, the soldier had to leave for other lands in search of the freedom of his people, so that love lasted only one summer and one fall ... almost winter. He spent the

time and the bee came to him the stories of conquests of the brave soldier, not only winning the battles and deaths in the trenches, but also encounters, loves cuddling and left at each port where they boarded. But one day, the soldier returned. Tired and dejected to find his constant companion. Told their stories, their struggles, their loves and their theories they created a feeling that was materializing into something more than honey and wax ... For a long time.

To be continued ...

The events and characters created in this story are those of the writer. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental ....

Monday, December 27, 2010

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

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Monday, December 13, 2010

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me plenty of reasons to hate divorce

not accuse my heart, my wrinkles are filtered voice of devastation verses that I write. Sabina was not mistaken, both of us plenty of reasons. But my inspiration abused just poisons me sigh ...

hate how you speak your driving

hate your haircut
And what comes to feel hate your hideous boots

And I know well
hate when I sleep with you, without you, maybe I hate to
What good is throwing up ... to rhyme you know I hate to think

hate me laugh you make me suffer
mourn do I hate being alone so much hate

What you have not even called
But I hate more than not ... you may hate
And even a little I have to try.

Sceletium Tortuosumhardiness

Chronicle announced

remember that morning over a year. 3:00 AM maybe. Your message just screamed desperation. Was doing his happiness with the misery of others. This time I thought you knew.
Since I know, we have always maintained a high degree of respect and trust. Now I do not know who you are. That morning decided

born again, when you did not see coming. He picked up his things and left. He went into his arms, his hair, his skin color, its smell, no matter how you stay single. Tu son saw it. I take the time that same afternoon that were not at home, to commit his cruel evil. This time I cried, I suffered, to mourn over its own eyes ... This time I was with you.

For a third I heard the words spoken in your moments of relief, the wind carried them away ... With your shame of women. Not for me to judge, in this body there is plenty of material to cut, but as you might return to him again.
I have a vivid memory of your wedding day. Till death do us part, I heard them say. Signed as a witness of what I was part without my consent, though he knew what was coming. I know I

ashamed, because you expect to be happy. So I do not want to say? If he did once make it a thousand times. There is love, you know your weaknesses and most important of them is you do not want to be alone, even if it costs you your happiness.

At three o'clock I told you and now I return and I repeat: there are marriages that end well and there are others that last a lifetime. Until love dies ...

Friday, December 10, 2010

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You know how mortified me not having you ....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Lobos ...

The advise is a trade so common that many use it and what they do very little ... -------------------------------------------

One morning an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

" One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego ..

"The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

Old Cherokee replied,

"One the one you feed."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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And if this is not love ... how can you call?

is still steeped in the tip of my nose, the smell of your neck, your essence, your breath. An accent. The stars were stars that lit up our space, our unique moment, magical, eternal ... Your body and mine the same way, we become one, a movement, a desire, a supply of souls ... a kiss. A waltz with the wind do not mean to forget.
And if this is not love ... how can you call? -------------------------------------------------

----------- I like watching your eyes
That still does not learn to lie
I like seeing your face made for smiling
I like watching your hair entangles
When you wind
I like to feel your hands and your breath
I like to hear your voice and accent
And words that are heard your thoughts
Like when I say you're so in love with your best moments

are when you're beside me.

I like to feel your footsteps when I'm waiting
I like to feel that a kiss can leave us shaking
Like when you hold me and I feel so small Like
know what you think and dream.
Everything about you is nothing I like more and nothing less
Since these in my life everything seems good
And I like to imagine how it will be that day
When have you in my arms giving me love life.

And if this is not love
How do you call

What I can say I can not explain
Just saying I love you
And I do not understand ... how I could live without
Ti ... Until now.
(Jerry Legrand)