Monday, November 29, 2010

Baby Card Funny Messages

I'm not a player, but I like the ball ...

initiated after the 2010 baseball winter in the Dominican Republic, I wanted to capture some thoughts invaded my mind when my team was in the basement. I'm not a player, but the vein leading from the tiny marsh. As a die

yellow team (or mamey as many call it) I'ma regular to participate in tournaments held in the Quisqueya stadium when Cuyaya come to the capital. But in recent years and last season, the disappointment and disillusion seized me at my computer at the end of the row in the category of positions. The disappointment was greater when in my penultimate visit to play all I saw were imported buttocks, when what is needed are arms, legs and a little common sense. That Friday I swore to the memory of Lima not to return to the Eagles game.

I stopped watching the games on TV, because for what? To see the blunders and mistakes that enjoyed do the players or the derrieres tongonear of aguichicas imported, the cost of each movement were charging us at the desk or in the electricity bill for having the TV on. So much for my disappointment. What punishment should be given!

On Sunday last week at the invitation of my midwife visit the church he attends. To my surprise at the end of the Eucharistic liturgy the priest, very jovial and friendly, telling us these: "Dear brothers, the blessing of Almighty for all of you and I take this opportunity to say .... What we have 4 online. Go in peace! Only managed to ask my midwife, that speech. Ohhh! The father Marsh is ... not to lose faith!. From the words spoken by the pastor, the Eagles have not stopped. 6 in line, 16 runs, a dozen is better, etc, etc.

Yesterday, for the obstinacy of a @ s @ s friend, who bought the tickets and sent the beer, I returned to play. The first inning was more than enough to prove that the Eagles are eagles and more asfixiao that we are ... We have not heard the roar of the tigers .... Last night, the spirit of Lima shouted loudly Ayy Ayyy Ayyy These Little eagles! Being

marsh is more than a simple player or fan, when we win or lose, celebrate or cry ... without losing our essence!


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