Saturday, June 28, 2008

Model Home Feeling Stomach Drops


Class: Insecta
Dermaptera Family: Forficulidae
Gender: Forficula
Species: Forficula auricularia

This curious insect is characterized by two fences later in the form of tongs of earwigs which also are called "cortapichas" Fences used as self-defense against a potential predator, raising the abdomen and displaying it as a deterrent. It is also used for breeding male, during courtship the female.

These insects are not poisonous and generally do not bite humans.
One day I was on the beach sitting on the edge, when you notice a strong pinch of the English, which was quickly looked and saw a earwig in my bathing suit (almost discover why they call it "cortapichas") Do not know if it was with fences or jaws, but still is not dangerous.

There is a legend about earwigs, it is known that these insects like to hide dark voids, narrow cracks, etc ... It is said, that when we fall asleep in our ears and pierce our eardrums with their jaws causing great pain to the person. Of course, all this is totally false.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sayings For Old Lonely People



Arachnida Order: Araneae
Family: Scytodidae
Gender: Scytodes
Species: Scytodes cf. thoracica
Curiosa spider I could find in my house yesterday. Is quite large with legs extended, but its fundamental characteristic is that, but it's a spitting spider. Unlike most other weaving a fabric, it is about his victim, measure the distance to the front legs are longer than others and through their chelicerae spits a sticky substance with which paralyzes its prey. The

S. velutina can be distinguished from her sister S. thoracica, because the latter has banded legs. Spiders are "domestic" as always in the corners of houses, moving at night in search of food and rarely found out.

I took it and put it in a pot on the terrace, to avoid scares in the house in case anyone saw it. Most likely to reappear inside the house.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Mountains Sheet Music Piano Biffy

fortress walls Oh! Food inflation in the first half exceeds 50%

inflation for food and beverages resulting from 12 months to May 2008 was 47.3% and is estimated - judging by the prices we're seeing in the markets in those same days, this month and over 50% at the end of this month. It is the highest inflation in 10 years in the Chavez government and the emerging economies of the world.

Incredible: The main aggravating factor is that food prices worldwide are motivated to hike up oil prices. There is a direct relationship with the oil goes up the price of food, including a proportion higher than the price of oil.

the end of the year, may register for the full period (2008) a figure close to 100% inflation. Inflation


general inflation in Venezuela has accumulated a 31.4% rate in the last 12 months and of 12.4% so far this year, the highest in Latin America, no doubt.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Large Stomack Picturs

Ay! Obama widens lead over McCain by 15 points

The Democratic candidate for U.S. presidency, Barack Obama, has increased to 15 point lead over Republican rival John McCain, the widest margin since securing the endowment, June 3, according to a Newsweek poll. Read

El Universal

Friday, June 20, 2008

Walk In Clinic Toronto Doctors Note

Ay! "The economy must be at the service of politics"


"The economy must be at the service of politics: you have to politicize economic and political need to socialize, as it should be placed in front of the great interests of society. "

Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías

June 11, 2008

Position Was Filled Letter

thoracica Millipedes


Arachnida Order: Araneae
Family: Oxyopidae
Gender: Oxyopes
Species: Oxyopes nigripalpis

This curious spider, commonly known as "lynx spider, weaving webs, and not normally expected in flowers stalking his prey, when approaching jump to his victim and stab her chelicerae.
This spider me I found in my kitchen wall behind the washing machine, a curious site, because I have no plant or flower fence. Being a male would be looking to your partner and attentive of place or would have been attracted by the heat of the washing machine motor.

have spiny legs and when he tried to take her photograph was a lot better jumps and running very quickly. No information on this spider bite, but says they can get through the epidermis and did not dare take her hands even though it was a male, was looking for female and the last thing on his head would be wanting to bite me.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

How To Unlock Vip Suit Case Default


bee stings are very dangerous and can lead to a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis .

A bee sting can be fatal to 1 in 100 people.

You may not have an allergic reaction the first time you are stung by a bee but the next time your body may react.

People do not develop immunity having been stung by bees before.

People who have severe allergic reactions to bee stings should get an injection of epinephrine for your health care provider and should have it available whenever they are outdoors or in a situation where they could be chopped.

The mild reactions to bee stings include an itchy nuisance (especially in areas close to the lymph nodes, as under the arms), stings and swelling.

delayed or late reactions may include fever, joint pain and swollen glands.

A severe reaction occurs quickly, symptoms include facial swelling, difficulty breathing
, shock, weakness, dizziness and nausea.

To prevent bee stings avoid trash cans, beverages containing sweetener and strong-smelling perfumes. Wear light colors and widths. Clean picnic areas and grills of garbage.

also flee if several bees begin to bite in unison.

to treat a bee sting:

l Scrape the stinger with a credit card or a straight-edged object, or use a nail (the bees leave thorn in your skin, which can prolong their pain and continue injecting poison into your body). Never squeeze or use tweezers to remove the stinger (this
release more venom into your skin).

l For a mild reaction, remove the stinger, wash the area with soap and warm water, apply ice to reduce swelling and take a painkiller or antihistamines. L

Severe reactions are usually treated with epinephrine, commonly injected into the anterior thigh. L

Call immediately for emergency treatment

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Turquoise -arabic Name

Myriapoda Class: Diplopoda
Order: Julida
Family: Julidae
Gender: Ommatoiulus
Species: Ommatoiulus rutilans

One September afternoon I was lying on a towel with some friends eating lunch under a carob tree. In the quiet of the woods with the sound of birds chirping and laughter of each other, a cry of a friend and her subsequent leap struck us all and we found this little arthropod on one of the towels. We had intruded in its territory and decided to explore what was happening.
all had a certain distance to it, it was the first time I saw and associate it to his cousin, the centipede, which its bite is very painful and poisonous. But the shy millipede is not poisonous, feeding on decaying leaves and the occasional exception feeds on other insects. Later we realized it was all full of these millipedes.

They are usually beige, coffee brown, brownish ... but in the tropics there are brightly colored warning that they taste desgradable. Despite its name, do not reach a thousand feet, no more than 750 and most have less than 200.
measure approximately between 3 and 9 cm although there are tropical species that are 30 cm and have come to see pictures of them as pets.

To defend some secreted by glands located on the side of a chemical odor, also can curl, like a suckling pig from moisture, including some species can be confusing enrroscarse with it.
I played with a stick to millipedes and curled as you can see in the picture, that if unharmed.
When they finished eating, we go ahead leaving these nice quiet arthropods.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cant Delete Vuze File

lynx spider wolf spider engines

Class: Arachnida
Araneae Family: Lycosidae
Lycosa Species: Lycosa Tarantula

This Lycosa spider genus, is called "wolf spider" and comes from the Greek "lykos" which means wolf. It is one of the largest in the Iberian Peninsula and even Europe, females with a size of approximately 27 mm and males somewhat smaller with 19 mm. They are nocturnal and tend to live in underground nests where the females spend most of his life, and males use it as protection, but are often seen out and running.

have a high tendency to flee from humans, so it is somewhat difficult to catch them and is therefore rarely bite it. A method you can use the photographer if you have a long time, sitting next to a nest and expect to come out, hopefully you can get a good picture.
spider photo I found walking through dry leaves, and when I saw took refuge under a rock, but could not pass up the opportunity and picked up the rock to photograph.

This spider despite their traditional belief, has no toxicity high for humans. It ranks among the most dangerous of the peninsula, but their bite produces a clinical picture similar to a bee or wasp and needs no special medical treatment, unless allergic reaction to venom.

There is a legend that explains the origin of the name "tarantula." Is related to the Italian city of Taranto, a place where there emerged a dance called "Tarantella," where in the Middle Ages it was believed that the bite of the tarantula took to the death to those who suffered at least to dance this dance that binge could get rid of the effects of such "dangerous" poison.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cartoon Network Birthday Wishes

Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Suborder: Polyphaga
Infraorder: Cucujiformia
Superfamily: Cucujoidea
Family: Coccinellidae
Gender: Coccinella
Species: Coccinella septempunctata

Hello everyone. Ladybug Release Blog with this 7-point as it is commonly called. A month ago, with the entry of the first heat there was an infestation of these beetles Málaga, invading everything, they were seen flying hundreds or even bumped me in the face. The plague of these are not considered dangerous, but on the contrary, they are carnivorous and prey on aphids and other insects that affect vegetation. When you are in danger, cast a yellowish liquid repellent.

ladybug photo model was one of many that were on my deck. It landed on a clavelina I have, I took the camera and started to throw them pictures and time before bursting into flight and wings unfurled its wings and took off a. ... adivinadlo .... if successful! to my face! Whenever a ladybug is near and flies away to me, I a Repullo and do not know what happens to me, because I know they do nothing. Will look something "ugly" they have when flying.

I'll gradually update with new entries from insects and weather.