Monday, June 16, 2008

Cant Delete Vuze File

lynx spider wolf spider engines

Class: Arachnida
Araneae Family: Lycosidae
Lycosa Species: Lycosa Tarantula

This Lycosa spider genus, is called "wolf spider" and comes from the Greek "lykos" which means wolf. It is one of the largest in the Iberian Peninsula and even Europe, females with a size of approximately 27 mm and males somewhat smaller with 19 mm. They are nocturnal and tend to live in underground nests where the females spend most of his life, and males use it as protection, but are often seen out and running.

have a high tendency to flee from humans, so it is somewhat difficult to catch them and is therefore rarely bite it. A method you can use the photographer if you have a long time, sitting next to a nest and expect to come out, hopefully you can get a good picture.
spider photo I found walking through dry leaves, and when I saw took refuge under a rock, but could not pass up the opportunity and picked up the rock to photograph.

This spider despite their traditional belief, has no toxicity high for humans. It ranks among the most dangerous of the peninsula, but their bite produces a clinical picture similar to a bee or wasp and needs no special medical treatment, unless allergic reaction to venom.

There is a legend that explains the origin of the name "tarantula." Is related to the Italian city of Taranto, a place where there emerged a dance called "Tarantella," where in the Middle Ages it was believed that the bite of the tarantula took to the death to those who suffered at least to dance this dance that binge could get rid of the effects of such "dangerous" poison.


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