Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cartoon Network Birthday Wishes

Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Suborder: Polyphaga
Infraorder: Cucujiformia
Superfamily: Cucujoidea
Family: Coccinellidae
Gender: Coccinella
Species: Coccinella septempunctata

Hello everyone. Ladybug Release Blog with this 7-point as it is commonly called. A month ago, with the entry of the first heat there was an infestation of these beetles Málaga, invading everything, they were seen flying hundreds or even bumped me in the face. The plague of these are not considered dangerous, but on the contrary, they are carnivorous and prey on aphids and other insects that affect vegetation. When you are in danger, cast a yellowish liquid repellent.

ladybug photo model was one of many that were on my deck. It landed on a clavelina I have, I took the camera and started to throw them pictures and time before bursting into flight and wings unfurled its wings and took off a. ... adivinadlo .... if successful! to my face! Whenever a ladybug is near and flies away to me, I a Repullo and do not know what happens to me, because I know they do nothing. Will look something "ugly" they have when flying.

I'll gradually update with new entries from insects and weather.


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