Myriapoda Class: Diplopoda
Order: Julida
Family: Julidae
Gender: Ommatoiulus
Species: Ommatoiulus rutilans
all had a certain distance to it, it was the first time I saw and associate it to his cousin, the centipede, which its bite is very painful and poisonous. But the shy millipede is not poisonous, feeding on decaying leaves and the occasional exception feeds on other insects. Later we realized it was all full of these millipedes.
They are usually beige, coffee brown, brownish ... but in the tropics there are brightly colored warning that they taste desgradable. Despite its name, do not reach a thousand feet, no more than 750 and most have less than 200.
measure approximately between 3 and 9 cm although there are tropical species that are 30 cm and have come to see pictures of them as pets.
To defend some secreted by glands located on the side of a chemical odor, also can curl, like a suckling pig from moisture, including some species can be confusing enrroscarse with it.
I played with a stick to millipedes and curled as you can see in the picture, that if unharmed.
When they finished eating, we go ahead leaving these nice quiet arthropods.
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