Thursday, June 19, 2008

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bee stings are very dangerous and can lead to a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis .

A bee sting can be fatal to 1 in 100 people.

You may not have an allergic reaction the first time you are stung by a bee but the next time your body may react.

People do not develop immunity having been stung by bees before.

People who have severe allergic reactions to bee stings should get an injection of epinephrine for your health care provider and should have it available whenever they are outdoors or in a situation where they could be chopped.

The mild reactions to bee stings include an itchy nuisance (especially in areas close to the lymph nodes, as under the arms), stings and swelling.

delayed or late reactions may include fever, joint pain and swollen glands.

A severe reaction occurs quickly, symptoms include facial swelling, difficulty breathing
, shock, weakness, dizziness and nausea.

To prevent bee stings avoid trash cans, beverages containing sweetener and strong-smelling perfumes. Wear light colors and widths. Clean picnic areas and grills of garbage.

also flee if several bees begin to bite in unison.

to treat a bee sting:

l Scrape the stinger with a credit card or a straight-edged object, or use a nail (the bees leave thorn in your skin, which can prolong their pain and continue injecting poison into your body). Never squeeze or use tweezers to remove the stinger (this
release more venom into your skin).

l For a mild reaction, remove the stinger, wash the area with soap and warm water, apply ice to reduce swelling and take a painkiller or antihistamines. L

Severe reactions are usually treated with epinephrine, commonly injected into the anterior thigh. L

Call immediately for emergency treatment


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